Thursday, January 5, 2012

I guess I will leave tomorrow instead.

With this extra morning, I re-fluffed the blankets I so violently kicked off
in the middle of the night, curled the legs in towards the chest and easily
slipped back to sleep.

I drank stew out of my favorite bowl when the daylight finally
brought me from underneath the quilts. The warm lentil puree
tempted me back into bed.

Fought the urge to climb back upstairs. Instead sat outside
on the splintered wooden steps. Thinking to myself that I needed
more air in my front left tire, I saw a tiny flying bug. I realized, briefly,
the impact of our warm days and wondered at the future of our climate.

Upon returning into my kitchen I noticed that there was
a strange presence in the corner, near the bananas.

Clever design, that AeroGarden.

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