Thursday, December 31, 2015


Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, Zilpah
Sisterhood, a utility:

For hygiene, for advice, to let off steam, to vibe with, to experiment, to embarrass, to compete with, to confide in, to embrace, to fondle, to pet, to build, to block, to chastise, to patronize, to sacrifice, to entertain, to admonish, to ridicule, to tend to, to attend to, to inject, to molest, to practice on, to knife, to obey, to borrow shoes from, to be a surrogate for, to collaborate with, to brainstorm, to edit, to decompress, to compare oneself to, to tango, to affair, to braid, to defend, to marry off, to project upon, for transference, to resent, to envy, to seduce, to conspire, to abuse, to disabuse, for witchcraft, for nunnery, for seance, for mourning.
All women are not my sisters. I believe in the body. I believe in a woman's right to love her body, and seek love for her body through the love of another. I believe women can be terribly cruel to one another. I believe women have weapons to bring one another down, in a way patriarchy never intends to. 
The best of sisterhood can protect, defend, uplift against some of histories darkest hours. Women against one another, however, can invoke some of the worst pain and violence there is. This phenomenon is biological, practical, manipulative, conditioned. We love our girlfriends, until we want something beyond them, in spite of them.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

On the couch

Fell asleep on the couch last night. Slid from the arm rest to the pillow under the blankets until was in full psychedelic repose. Brown couch pushed up to cradle my weight. It was then a small pride of Old English Sheepdogs in all their mane and dock-tailed glory trotted forth full speed. One came straight-off to share news of a great return. Sheep herders.

Type type don't stop, tired dog. Type and tell me of the news that you bring. The return of a great king One not bound by cloth strips, mummified and pierced. The dream was in the imperative. The wet black nose searched up and smelled the air. 

Play catch-up

Been stroking these keys:

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Brained Ed a good old friend what a fine chap a chap a tight pair
Bought myself a hat for her, didn't she well fold it right in half
It will keep the sun out and the glare and the gazes and the gnats.

Brained Ed brought me a knight chess we made chess we had
Tried on a slip a white one or cream will wear it as a bride
For a birthday or some sort of romp around silk pants too

Honey suckles lose just that and fall on the toaster fall on the floor
Cold wet tiles for good old Ed hide your six string wring 'em out to dry